John D. Rockefeller Single-handedly Ruins American Medicine

     By Robert Carter/December 23, 2024

     By the early 1900s John D. Rockefeller had become the richest man in the world by taking over the American oil industry and making it his own personal monopoly. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court found him guilty of illegal business practices and racketeering.

     He had to find himself another business venture that might be equally as profitable.

     “Hey, how about drugs?” he decided.

     Although the health of his own immediate family had always thrived on homeopathic remedies, he knew that these natural cures could not be patented. No money there.

     But synthetic drugs could be patented, and there was BIG money there…if he could figure out how to corner that market, just as he had with his oil  monopoly.

     He figured it out.
     First, he invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the country’s most reputable medical schools – University of Chicago and Yale, to start with – provided they agreed to teach only allopathic, pharmaceutical based medicine. No more natural, nutrition based remedies would be spoken in those hallowed halls.

     Then he invested in the German pharmaceutical giant I. G. Farben.

     Yes…the same guys who from 1930-1938purged their company of every Jew, used 30,000 prisoners from Auschwitz as free, forced labor in one of their factories, and concocted the Zyklon B poisonous gas to help Hitler kill over a million prisoners in his gas chambers.

     Next Rockefeller funded Abraham Flexner to tour the Rockefeller funded medical schools to  “evaluate” the new  treatments they were teaching. His 1906 Flexner Report helped persuade U.S. lawmakers to enact legislation that would license only those physicians trained in patented, chemical based pharmacology and surgery.

     The AMA began a campaign of ridiculing any non-allopathic medical practices as “quackery” and soon our country’s natural remedy doctors were mostly out of business. 

     No more “Take two vitamin C and call me in the morning” from an American doctor.

     Meanwhile the FDA had been evolving from the earlier Bureau of Chemistry, and it inherited from that agency the proviso that there was a “plausible deniability” for any legal culpability for harmful effects of the chemicals they monitored. That legal protection against pharmaceutical companies’ lawsuits remained in place until recently.

     By 1916 Rockefeller had became the world’s first billionaire.

     In 1930 Rockefeller expanded into psychiatry his influence over American medical practices when he established the Yale School of Psychiatry with a ten year grant totaling $1,000,000.

     The 1930’s were already turning out to be a heyday for psychiatrics as they began conducting their experimentation with electroconvulsive shocks and trans-orbital lobotomies … all hidden from the public by using subjects from within their own psychiatric hospitals.

     Kind of like the psychiatrists’ own little concentration camps.

     In the 1930s Yale Medical School Professor C.E.A. Winslow worked to publicize and popularize America’s growing “mental hygiene movement,” and he helped position mental health treatment next to physical health treatment. Doing so helped usher in the age of massive public psychotropic prescriptions which began in the 1950’s after the brutality of psychiatrists covertly administering electroshock and lobotomy “treatments” had been publicly exposed.

     Ironically, almost ninety-nine percent of all these psychotropic  pharmaceuticals contain petrochemicals, and so the Rockefeller family is still deriving its fortune from oil, even if today some of John D’s descendents do donate philanthropically to humanitarian non-profits.

     However, we can still thank John D. alone for gifting us with what is now the medical mafia: Big Pharma, the FDA, and psychiatry.

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